Monday, December 29, 2008

Stuff, Stuff, Everywhere!

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5

I can’t believe it has been so much time has past since my first posting! I surely wanted to post more frequently than this, but the time has gotten away from me. What has kept me so busy?

Two adults and three little children who have been locked in by the snow with no where to go make quite a mess!

What I have realized during this “snow in” is that we have too much stuff. There is so much stuff that I spend all my day running around trying to put it back into its rightful place, and honestly, much of the stuff doesn’t have a place to go. All of this doesn’t create a great feeling of contentment.

It is all a Catch-22. If I were more content with what I have, I wouldn’t feel the need to bring more things into the house. If I decreased how much I have, I would be able to take better care of everything and enjoy them more. If I could take care of everything, I would know what I have and realize I don’t need more.

It was good to look at this verse again. I remember the love of money part, and the being content part. I had forgotten the end; “BECAUSE God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” God’s instructions always have a reason. We should strive toward Contentment to be able to focus on God.

When I think of all God could accomplish through me without all this stuff, makes me want to load up a truck and clear the way!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Listening to the Shepherd's Voice

Jesus said “I am the good shepherd...his sheep follow him because they know his voice” (John 10, NIV) I wonder how well do I hear My Shepherd's voice?

When I have been spending time with God, I find His presence very comforting. I stay focused. I lift my concerns and His Spirit directs me. Throughout the day, I can see God working and I pray often.

After some time away from God, I feel unsettled. It becomes harder to pray and hear God's Voice.

When sheep can't hear the Shepherd, they get lost. They head in some direction that looks good to them, but ends up being dangerous. The Shepherd has to go to great lengths to find His sheep and bring them to safety.

When I haven't spent time with God, I can't hear His voice. I focus on what's around me. I rely on myself, instead of Him. Sometimes God has to use harsh measures to pull me back into the fold.

Staying close to the Shepherd is hard work. There are so many distractions! A lush patch of grass, a fuzzy little lamb, or a handsome Ram can pull the sheep out of earshot. My children, my husband, getting food on the table, even entertainment seems more appealing.

However, if I know what is good for me, I will stay close and actively listen for my Shepherd's Voice. He will keep me out of harm. He can see the storm coming and lead me to safety. He knows where not only a nice patch of grass lies, but can lead me to a huge green meadow.

I need to read the bible and pray every day so I can readily hear and recognize Jesus' active voice in my life. He is the Great Shepherd and will keep me safe from harm.


My first entry into my blog. What a day! My husband suggested that I start a blog to send out my thoughts into the world. I hope to send my writings; thoughts, devotionals, prayers that will be uplifting and encouraging to women in their walk with Christ. That is my prayer - that you find the time reading these postings worth your time, and that they (in some way) draw you closer to God. My writing them does that for me.